If you have earned your conceal and carry permit you want to make sure you can appropriately conceal your firearm when you have it on your person. Traditional holsters are not the only option to carry your weapon. High quality conceal and carry clothing and accessories are available that can match the occasion, as well as your style.

One thing about carrying your firearm that you want to make sure of is that it is truly concealed. You can find a variety of men’s and women’s concealed carry clothing designed specifically for this purpose. Tank tops and tee shirts with built-in holsters are great for wearing under a shirt, jacket, or blouse. You can find pants in a variety of styles that will effectively hide your weapon. With holster options in the front, back, or side you are sure to find a pair that allows you to carry your firearm exactly where you want.
A gun belt might be a good option for you. These accessories look like standard belts, so you can be certain to find one that matches your style. They are different than standard belts in that they are designed to carry the weight of the weapon, keeping it safe and secure. These belts are also quite convenient in that you can attach your firearm in many ways. This gives you the option to find the most comfortable and convenient place to holster your weapon.
Especially if the weather is beginning to cool off, a conceal and carry jacket or parka might be a great choice. With many stylish jackets available, you can find one to wear all season long. Conceal and carry jackets are a favorite option since you have the convenience of carrying your firearm regardless of what you are doing or wearing that day.
There are so many choices for the right conceal and carry clothing for you. Giving yourself a variety of options means you will never be left scrambling to find a way to carry your firearm for any situation.